The filling is rich and smooth, the cupcake with a hint of Marsala wine. A famous Italian popular pastry filling used in the Cannoli. That's what's inside this wonderful and easy to make filled cupcake!
Tonight we are doing a hangout on Google + on how to make these, if you miss it you can watch the video. If you love cannoli, you will love this easy recipe we are going to show you how to make and assemble, a great dessert that my mom makes @ What's Cookin' Italian Style Cuisine. If you are on google plus the hangout is at 6:00 EST time February 17th under Events, Italian Cannoli Cupcakes. Everyone's invited. If you can't that's ok we will post the video for you to watch I will post below sometime after 8:00 EST tonight. Hope you can make it!
I just had to tell you how excited I was to help launch my son's new blog and guest post for him. I am so proud of him! I also saw my brother post a photo to Facebook last week of his fabulous looking breakfast pancakes with apples. He gave me the tip on how he makes the apples so they cook all the way through and aren't undercooked inside. We always had that problem, so thanks to his tip and using Curt's pancake recipe from my blog @What's Cookin' we got some awesome pancakes to share with you! Enjoy! Pancakes with sauteed apples on top! These smell awesome cooking Almost a browned butter with cinnamon and sugar sauteed apples! Apple Saute Topping: You will need 2 tablespoons butter, 2 gala or mcintosh apples chopped, sugar and cinnamon mixed together around 3 tablespoons sugar with a teaspoon of cinnamon mixed together. Saute in butter, lightly sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon with the apples until soft, around 6